Monday, March 24, 2008

Weekend Doodle #6--Working it out!

(Click to enlarge)

Here are some of my doodles from this weekend. I did these on both Saturday and Sunday. It wasn't until someone commented on my doodles last week that I realized ok oh well, they really ARE little drawings like someone mentioned.

I had to look at my doodle doodles to realize this. So I suppose that my Weekend Doodles are really doodles that are worked out, because they usually do start out as squiggly lines, circles and other what nots.

I also, as ever, worked out more textures too, I am pleased with some of the textures that I have created. I used 2B & 4B carbon pencils, along with HB, 2B, & 8B graphite pencils

Monday, March 17, 2008

EDM #92--Draw a brown paper bag

Here is my effort for EDM's challange of drawing a paper bag. I squinted until I had to refocus my eyes in an effort to see more values rather than the huge blur that had my eyes crossed lol.

Again, I need to work on more values on the scale of black to white. There are many beautiful shades in between I'm learning. I have only been working with 3 so far; darkest, mid, and lightest.

Also, I tried adding texture to the bag. I'm having fun learning more and more!

I think that my bag is kinda cute! Thanks for looking and as always your comments are very much appreciated!

I used 2B, HB, 4B, 6B pencils in this project

Weekend Doodle #5--Tones & textures

Here are doodles I did this weekend. I played around with textures, and again worked more on different values.

It's funny how many shades of gray there are lol. I need a black to white value scale, Im sure that will help me out a lot

I used HB, 6B, 2B and a carbon pencil on these doodles

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Weekend Doodle #4--Tones, tones, tones

Here are some more of my weekend doodles. I was trying to get more tonal effects in my work. As I doodled the various shapes, I tried imagining different light sources, although the more I look at them--the more they seem to have the same one lol..but I'm a learning!

I used HB, 2B, 3B and tried one of my charcoal pencils. I really do not like charcoal pencils. Using them is like hearing nails scratching a chalk board! Yukkkk! I would like to try the Wolff's carbon pencils though

Monday, March 10, 2008

EDM #93--Draw an egg carton

Here is my Every Day Matters, EDM challenge #93--Draw an egg carton (with or without eggs). Although it did not turn out as I had intended. I still enjoyed the challenge and had fun doing it. Thanks for looking and for any comments/suggestions

I used B,2B, and HB graphite pencils

Monday, March 3, 2008

The Amber Award

Here is a great award that one of my neices gave me this past November. I call it the Amber Award, because of her name. It had been resting on my refrigerator and when she gave me this, I was moved to tears. Then she showed me the back side and the tears began to fall.

Earlier in the evening she asked me if I were an art teacher and I blushed like crazy lol. It was later on that I was presented with this wonderful surprise. I felt like I was somebody lol.

In January after she and her sister were going through my sketch books and looking at a failed attempt at a water color painting, her sister Alycia exclaimed "Auntie Pam, are you an artist?" Hmm an artist I had never thought of myself that way before. I will totally accept that! :)

Now, I have some sense of how parents feel when their children draw or paint pictures for them. I am going to move my Amber Award from my fridge and put it into a frame that I have already picked out. Thank you Auntie's princesses for making me feel so special. Maybe the next time we are together, we will make more refrigerator magnets or try our hands again at making keychains :)
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