Monday, May 26, 2008

Weekend Doodle #8--Day Dreaming

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Here are some Weekend Doodles. I went to Day dream land and played around, not having a reference of anything to practice with, but using my imagination as a road map to getting something down on paper. And, on a loose page at that geesh! Don't you hate having to keep up with those?

I have been working on my first portrait and have done it 3 times, but the picture was so small that it distorted when enlarged and printed and I will have to redo it again. I suppose you can say that I'm taking a break from it. Im also learning a lot from it too.

I used a mechanical pencil, 2B and HB graphite pencils to have fun with. I hope that you are having a fantastic Memorial Day and thanks to all of the brave men and women who defend this great country of ours! The weather is gorgeous today, it is warm with a slightly cool breeze. All I can say is thank God! Last year this time Atlanta was buring up, we did not have a spring, only winter and summer lol

Friday, May 16, 2008

Face Practice

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Here is a baby I was trying to get the likeness of. I'm having a hard time with likenesses so far, but Im learning more and more about portraits the more I do them. I have been working on a baby's portrait for a couple of weeks now. Well, actually I drew the portrait 3 times, but they are not good enough. I will try to work on starting her over again this weekend.

We had 15 tornadoes to come through metro Atlanta last weekend, on Mother's Day, this weekend looks to be a nice one. I sure hope so :)

This was done with B,2B, and HB graphite pencils

Thursday, May 15, 2008

EDM #31--Collection

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Here is my entry to EDM #31 Collection. I have about 10 sets of salt and pepper shakers. I did not start this, my mother did. About 2 years ago, she started giving me salt/pepper sets, and I told her that I did not care for nick nacks etc. As far as I was concerned, that would be more things for me to break. (You did not hear me claim to be clumbsy :).

Her argument was that everyone needed to collect something, my argument was that I collected pens and pencils lol..Well I gave in to her sad puppy dog look and put all of the sets over my kitchen sink, I used to put plants up there. They had to find a new home.

It hurt her so badly when she came over expecting to see them out of the box, that I finally put them up. Now that she is gone, I have an appreciation for them and smile when I look at them.

Now, I will not say that I will go out and add to the collection,but I will say that the ones I have will stay with me. Atlanta is cool and dreary today, we are expecting storms this evening.

We are so thankful for all of the rain, I don't think that anyone is complaining about it, especially after an 11 year drought. I used B,2B and HB graphite pencils.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

EDM #25 -- Draw a glass

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Here is my entry to EDM #25 draw a glass. This is my water glass on my favorite coaster. I hae not as of yet captured the true esssense of glass.

Actually, this is my first attempt, but over oooooooooooover time lol. Atlanta weather was mild, a very pretty day actually.

I used B,2B and 4H graphite pencils

EDM #13 Draw your Phone

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Here is my try at EDM #13 Draw your phone. This is my celly.

I used B,2B, and 6B graphite pencils. Although I find some of the challenges challenging lol...I try anyway because I know that in time and with practice, my artwork will get better. Thanks for looking :)

I did this this weekend and the weather in Atlanta was nothing short of outstanding! Not too hot, beautiful clear skies

Friday, May 2, 2008

EDM #38--Halloween etc

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Here is my entry for EDM draw something Halloween etc. He started out as being something that I am scared of. But I could not find the challenge number lol. Anyways here he is in all his glory "Mr Debt" aka "The Debt Monster*shudder*

Notice the shifty eyes, jagged teeth and the blood thirsty look.He was done with HB, 2B and 6B pencils, thanks for looking and watch out! He grows and growls fast and often!
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