Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I'm So Sad

(Click to enlarge)

I don't expect everyone to understand--most people don't. I had to put my dear friend to sleep on Sunday. He was a malamute/siberian husky mix. We would have been together 10yrs this coming March.

He was a faithful and devoted one who taught me how to love God even more, by the way he always greeted me...with anticipation, lots of love and happiness. I will miss my Blu he was such a blessing, when I got him almost 10yrs ago--that was the first time that I realized that God gave us the desires of our hearts.

I have always had pets of every kind, but I always wanted a 'wolf dog' with blue I called the dog I didnt have a name for it when I was a little girl So please know that yes, God does give us the desires of our hearts. Don't lose sight of the vision whatever it is

Please forgive the messiness. I was at work just doodling, trying to test charcoal on a used piece of paper, while thinking about my Blu .

Pictures of Blu
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