Thursday, January 24, 2008

EDM #10--Draw a hand

Here is my effort for EDM, Every Day Matters yahoo group. The orignal in my sketch book looks much better, this is how the scan came out. I started one earlier in the day but as I was doing my outter lines someone came to the door...of course, and I could not get the thumb to stop looking like a foot lol.

Thanks for looking and for your comments. I am trying to work on better blending and being able to see the darkest darks and lightest lights, thanks Wendy

I used both B and 2B graphite pencils

*Note to self* Work on lights and darks!


Shelly McC said...

Great drawing!

Ann said...

I think this looks great! Your lights and darks look very good :)

Anonymous said...

Good job again! Like the dark background.

The Word Illustrated said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Roshanda said...

I like the background as well. My drawing teacher used to have us squint our eyes to see the values better. He also said, he couldn't teach us to draw, but he could teach us to see. I think your drawing looks fine. You are doing great!

Genxster said...

This is a great hand. You really got that pinky! Scanners are pretty harsh with pencil. I'm never happy with the results myself. I like how you put the hand again the dark background. That makes it easier to distinguish the lights and darks. You are going such a good job!

lyn said...

Hi Pam, Thanks for your comment on my blog. When I checked the 2nd painting was there? Some funny things have been happening, my profile and links show up at the bottom instead of the top and my comment button was gone on another post?? Nice graphite drawings here, a good skill to master! Its great to look around at others artwork!

Genxster said...

Thanks for visiting my blog and putting me on your sidebar. That is so cool.

I have a bunch of EDM Challenges on Flickr if you are interested:

Take care and keep drawing!

Teri said...

You are doing great on your shading. Love the different position of your fingers. Makes it so interesting.

Anonymous said...

Great drawing, Pamyla!
Thanks for your comment on my blog,
Stellarific Creations. You asked how to use my designs..
They are digital items that you can open in a photo-editing software program, like Photoshop, and you can make digital scrapbooking pages with them. For instance, with this Flutterbies kit,you can use the background papers (12"x12")first, then add your photo/s on top. The embellishments then go to decorate your page. Come visit my Gallery at Stone Accents Studio, where I and my Creative Team have made some layouts for others to see and comment on. It's called Designs by Cottage Stella (that's me!)
Thanks again for your comment!
By the way, I too am a member of Every day matters...

blog queen said...

I like your drawing, the values are great. Thanks for visiting my blog too. Isn't drawing fun?

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