Monday, March 17, 2008

EDM #92--Draw a brown paper bag

Here is my effort for EDM's challange of drawing a paper bag. I squinted until I had to refocus my eyes in an effort to see more values rather than the huge blur that had my eyes crossed lol.

Again, I need to work on more values on the scale of black to white. There are many beautiful shades in between I'm learning. I have only been working with 3 so far; darkest, mid, and lightest.

Also, I tried adding texture to the bag. I'm having fun learning more and more!

I think that my bag is kinda cute! Thanks for looking and as always your comments are very much appreciated!

I used 2B, HB, 4B, 6B pencils in this project


Scarlett said...

Your pencil sketches are wonderful and inspiring. Great work.

Ann said...

Great drawing! Bags are hard to draw too! All those little wrinkles and folds. You did an excellent job :)

Cheryl Gebhart said...

What a great job on a subject I would think would be very difficult.

Anonymous said...

Great job building tones here!

The Word Illustrated said...

Thanks everyone!

Quilt knit said...

Hi! Pamyla: Thanks for leaving encouraging remarks for me on my blog. Your brown paper bag has really inspired my brain. It just so alive. I remember hating to draw brown paper bags. Then the bags became my teachers. Draw more! wonderful.


quirkyartist said...

The texture in this bag is wonderful. It SPEAKS of texture. What a great job you've done.

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