Monday, June 30, 2008

EDM #36--Draw in Public

(Click to enlarge)

Here are some sketches I did today while at the Department of Motor Vehicle. They fit well for the EDM #36 challenge, draw in public. There were 4 older gentlemen sitting in the row right in front of me and they had such beautiful faces. I had put off this challenge because I felt soooooooo intimidated about even attempting to draw in public.

As a teen I would sit under a tree in public and do it freely! Wow how things change. To my surprise however, the man next to me was very quiet and polite as his eyes lingered onto my paper.

The woman who was passing by, stopped and tried to look as if there were no more seats, lol..but I didnt get nervous and that was beause I just zoned out! Had fun and here are 4 men..well 3 and a half :)

I used HB, 2B, B graphite pencils and a little mechanical pencil, which I believe is my favorite :)


Susan's Scribbles said...

Good job. It can be so hard to allow ourselves to draw in public. You should be proud of yourself!

Kathleen said...

the DMV is a good place to start sketching in public & I love the backs of these heads

Margaret Ann said...

What an excellent use of time!Nice sketches! :)

kazumiwannabe said...

I like your drawing! Those people you drew must have felt observed!
I find it very difficult to draw in public too, and even more with people I know. Strangers are less intimidating.

tian said...

nice picture, ^^

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