Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I'm So Sad

(Click to enlarge)

I don't expect everyone to understand--most people don't. I had to put my dear friend to sleep on Sunday. He was a malamute/siberian husky mix. We would have been together 10yrs this coming March.

He was a faithful and devoted one who taught me how to love God even more, by the way he always greeted me...with anticipation, lots of love and happiness. I will miss my Blu he was such a blessing, when I got him almost 10yrs ago--that was the first time that I realized that God gave us the desires of our hearts.

I have always had pets of every kind, but I always wanted a 'wolf dog' with blue I called the dog I didnt have a name for it when I was a little girl So please know that yes, God does give us the desires of our hearts. Don't lose sight of the vision whatever it is

Please forgive the messiness. I was at work just doodling, trying to test charcoal on a used piece of paper, while thinking about my Blu .

Pictures of Blu


Anonymous said...

PamYla, this is a nice drawing - even though the circumstances are difficult for you right now. I also do love pets and can understand your sadness. May the Lord be your joy.

Bonny said...

Pamyla, it's so sad you lost one of your best friends. Even though he had 4 paws instead of 2 feet, Blu was very much a part of your family. Maybe more so because he didn't ask for much and was always there for you. His 4 paws are firmly placed in your memories and in your heart. Cherish the memories of all the wondeful moments you shared.

Gentle hugs,


Anonymous said...

Pamyla, I'm very sorry for your loss. Bless you and know that I am thinking of you.

Deb said...

Oh I'm so sorry! I cannot imagine how I would get through that. I, too know that all 4 of my furbabies are a wonderful gift from God!
May God's comfort and peace be upon you.

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